Bigger Body muscle bars

Here is how to eat your way top massive gains 
Commercial Calorie bars are not new and they are not cheap, a good bar will cost you $ 2-$ 3 dollars a bar and I personally don’t think they are worth the money… for that kind of investment I would purchase a good and proven weight gainer 
But for those of us who want mass, and are always looking at the mirror to see gains I have a great solution…Make your own MUSCLE BARS. 
Before I go on, I want to state some rather obvious facts: FACT NUMBER ONE – if you want to gain mass at an accelerated pace…EAT FAT! Yes don’t avoid fat, fat is essential in the mass gaining process, dietary fats play a essential role in muscle building hormone production which ARE the Keys to outstanding muscle growth. 
I have never known any one to gain mass on a low fat diet, it just will Not happen and let me tell you, if you are getting fat on a high calorie diet, I would not accuse your fat intake, no! Rather I would accuse the simple sugars in your diet. Also a low fat diet will lower your testosterone levels, something you want to avoid when you are trying to gain weight… 
also you should Know that it is far easier to lose weight or fat if you first gain muscle mass(with some fat)first then try to lose the fat before trying to build muscle mass…this is true even if you are obese 
my overweight clients, I first get the to build muscle before trying to lose fat…it way easier since muscle tends to increase your metabolism on a permanent basis, making you a fat burning machine. However not all fats are created equal, you want to avoid the saturated kind (as found in animals) and consume The essential fatty acids…EFA’s fats are energy and your body will burn it if you train correctly as espoused in the fastmuscles growth system… 
The recipe that follows is simple to make and it will provide you with several days’ worth of weight gain dense snacks… The next time you are heading out to your workouts; consume one of these babies and watch the energy boost. And you will not have to resort to the use of candy bars or some unhealthy snack 
1/2 cup butter 1 cup apple juice concentrates (the frozen kind) 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 whole eggs 2 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup raw wheat germ 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup sunflower seeds 1 cup pecans 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped dates 
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees; blend the butter, eggs, apple juice And vanilla together, sift together with flour, wheat germ, baking soda and baking powder then add them to mixture. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and press into an oblong glass pan than you have buttered and floured, now bake until the top is golden brown-about 30 minutes, refrigerate to keep fresh You will get 12 bars out of these and each one gives you 561 calories 30 grams of fat, carbohydrates 51 grams, 12 grams of protein… And cost you less than a dollar each…. If you want to increase the portion value, include two scoops of massive growth

Click here for muscle building workouts, a cardio workout that don’t need gyms, fancy machines, or running, or a MMA workout that was originally designed for a UFC Champ.

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Uses of Lights bar

The term Lights bar generally describes more than one type of light on the same bar. They may be different colored lights of the same type, or completely different such as strobe and led. Lights bar are most commonly seen on emergency vehicles such as fire engines, police cars and ambulances. The bars are configured to flash in many different patterns in order to ensure that the attention drawing quality of flashing light if fully utilized. The Lights bar normally comes in red and amber, which are almost always synonymous to emergency response.

Lights bar do not always flash, as some such as halogen Lights bars burn steady as they are mostly used by emergency workers in a dark place when they want to see what they are doing. These can be mounted on virtually any surface and how bright the light is depends on the factory setting of the particular Lights bar. Most use an external battery as a power source. They may however also be hooked up to the car battery of an emergency vehicle and mounted to the front grille so that emergency workers may be able to work efficiently.

Lights bar are also used at construction sites to indicate heavy machinery. Heavy machinery can be dangerous and so they need a visual aid to ensure that they can be seen from far especially by motorists. They may indicate that the vehicle is a wide load and so needs more room than normal for it to maneuver through traffic. Large Lights bars are also used to signal danger in construction sites. Strobe and led Lights bar are paired with a siren, an in the case of an emergency are turned on. The expected response is to immediately turn off all machinery and evacuate the area, or go directly to an assembly point for the purposes of a headcount.

Lights bar are not always long, as there are some small ones that are made to fit virtually everywhere. One of the places where they may be seen is at the scene of an accident. Because they are portable, emergency workers carry them inside their vehicle or on their person. They can also be mounted on virtually any surface and are weather resistant, which is ideal because rescue workers sometimes need to work in extreme conditions, they are used to indicate that there is danger at the scene of an accident and so motorists need to proceed with caution.

Lights bar are diverse just as their uses and their advantages are numerous. The reason they use more than one bar is so that they may better draw the attention of people for the intended reason. Some of the best Lights bars available are led, strobe and halogen. Each has its own advantages and so the best choice is completely dependant on the intended use. Most are made to work in extreme conditions, which are perfect for emergency workers who work in all kinds of whether.

Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for lights bar and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available –

I am a Microsoft Certified Professional. I conduct Training and Certification Guidance for Microsoft .Net Certification Courses through my training institute-Sierra Infotech. I also own and manage a SEO Company and article Directory.

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